12 September 2023



The Matra Électronique teams, attentive to the wired cabling market, seized the opportunity to develop a means of production perfectly suited to its industrial constraints.
The teams drafted the specifications to submit to the French manufacturer based in Toulouse: Komax France (formerly Laselec). Innovation also lies in the approach of co-development of a production machine with validation of the design, provision of knowledge on the architecture and data exchange. Once the technical aspects were validated by both parties, the machine was launched into production.

The IMPALA consists of a 10-reel store, 2 double-sided marking lasers and 2 control cameras. This marking process is entirely new and autonomous:
– The machine contains all sizes of marking sleeves in rolls.
– The launch of production is done directly from our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning: Integrated management software package).
– All sleeves are produced independently: the machine selects the corresponding reel(s) of sleeves and carries out double-sided marking in a single pass. The cameras allow quality control of the ducts and automatic disposal if an anomaly is detected. Finally, the machine cuts the sleeve to length.

The different stages of this innovation project are based on the DMEDI method used in LEAN MANAGEMENT: 6 months of defining the need and the product and 12 months of development.
Matra Électronique is proud to have partnered with Komax France to design a “tailor-made” means of production and bring this technological innovation to the French industrial sphere.

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Dans un contexte d’innovation et d’amélioration continue, Matra Électronique a lancé le projet de co-développement d’une machine autonome de marquage et découpe laser de manchons durant l’été 2020. Une innovation commune basée sur une approche « win-win ».
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